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Legal Tips for Bankruptcy and Other Helpful Information
4 Celebrities Who Have Been Through Personal Bankruptcy
Celebrities have a reputation for living glamorous and lavish lifestyles. After all, they’ve made more money than most of us will in a lifetime, so what better way to celebrate lifelong financial security than buying designer clothes, luxury cars, opulent mansions,...
4 Differences Between Personal Bankruptcy and Business Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is available to both businesses and individuals as a process of eliminating debt that is unlikely to ever be repaid. When a person files for bankruptcy it is known as personal bankruptcy and when a commercial organization does so it is known as business...
3 Ways a Bankruptcy Law Firm Can Help in Times of an Economic Recession
An unfortunate reality of an economic recession is many people will find themselves with insurmountable debt. There can be many causes of this, such as loss of employment or lowered property value, leading many individuals with so much debt that the only option is to...
4 Signs That a Bankruptcy Attorney Should Not be Trusted
Unfortunately, not every bankruptcy attorney can be trusted. From overcharging for services to only doing half of the work, there are instances where a bankruptcy attorney is doing more harm to your financial situation than good. Given the impact that bankruptcy has...
3 Reasons Your Bankruptcy Case Should be Handled by an Attorney and Not a Paralegal
Many people considering filing for bankruptcy come across paralegals offering cost-friendly services to assist with the filing process. For just a few hundred dollars, a fraction of the cost of hiring a bankruptcy attorney, a paralegal can prepare and file all the...
5 Ways to Get Out of Debt in 2020
Getting out of debt and handling your household finances better is an excellent way to achieve financial stability and gain peace of mind in 2020. If you are having a hard time achieving these goals, then it is highly recommended that you follow the tips below. Here...
Don’t Say These 3 Things to Creditors That You Are Behind With
Being behind with creditors is a daunting experience. Nobody wants to miss important credit repayments but sometimes life throws you a curveball and you fall behind, making it difficult to get your head above water once things behind to snowball into a bigger issue....
5 Tips to Get Great Deals and Save Money on Christmas Presents
Christmas is just around the corner and it’s a time when our wallets take quite the hit. Saving cash around the festive period is always difficult, as it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and buy all sorts of presents for friend and family. This is a quick way to...
5 Great Ways to Reduce Your Household Expenses During the Fall
As the summer season wraps up, it is time to look ahead to the fall and plan out different ways to reduce household expenses and save money. Fall is the time of the year during which it is really important to be intentional with your dollars. There are several ways to...
4 Reasons Why Filing Bankruptcy May Not Be As Bad As You Thought
The reasons for declaring personal bankruptcy are varied. While it all stems from uncontrollable debts, why this has happed differs in every case, with some of the more common causes of spiraling debt being divorce, job loss, and medical bills. While nobody wants to...
Ask Yourself These 4 Questions Before Filing Bankruptcy
Nobody ever wants to file for bankruptcy. However, when your debt spirals out of control to the point where you can no longer manage it, filing for bankruptcy can provide a welcome relief and the opportunity to start over. That’s not to say the bankruptcy process is...
How to Overcome the 4 Biggest Challenges that Come Up During a Personal Bankruptcy Case
Even the most responsible individuals can run into financial hardships. These problems can sometimes go so bad that they cannot get out from under them and one of the solutions they turn to is filing for bankruptcy. Filing bankruptcy can certainly bring many negative...
3 Tips To Make Your Personal Bankruptcy Case Go Much Smoother
Filing for personal bankruptcy is a horrible prospect for anyone struggling with debt, yet it remains one of the few situations that allows you to properly manage and overcome this debt. Yes, it’s very embarrassing and incredibly stressful to go through bankruptcy but...
4 Differences a Good Attorney Can Make When You File for Bankruptcy
When filing for bankruptcy an individual can hire an attorney to represent them throughout the process. In many cases you may not need a bankruptcy attorney, especially if the bankruptcy process is relatively straight-forward. You may even save a lot of money in fees...
3 Ways to Make Sure You Keep Your Home When Filing for Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy laws are designed to treat both creditors and debtors fairly. This means allowing people the chance to recover from their debt while trying to ensure that creditors have a fair chance of receiving debt repayments. There are situations where creditors look...
Overwhelming Debt is Responsible for Causing These 4 Other Problems in Life
Debt affects millions of people across the world. While a common financial situation for many, there are instances where debt accumulates to the point where it is no longer manageable, instead overwhelming the individual with all kinds of problems. Yet not all these...
4 of the Top Reasons People File Bankruptcy
Filing for bankruptcy is not usually one of the top things on anyone’s wish list. While it can have its benefits, it also comes with a series of disadvantages. In most cases, filing for bankruptcy is not something that anyone wants to do. However, in some of these...
4 Ways to Pay Off Your Credit Cards Faster
Credit cards can be difficult to handle sometimes. Before you know it, the times come when you begin to find it hard to pay off the balances owed. As a result, you start to struggle as more and more money is being added to the card and less and less is being paid off....
Consider These 5 Important Factors Before Filing Your Second Bankruptcy
Nobody wants to file for bankruptcy but sometimes there are no alternatives. While it’s understandably difficult, the process of filing for bankruptcy often brings welcome relief from the constant concerns of being swamped with debt you cannot repay. Recovering from...
What are the Differences Between Personal Bankruptcy and Business Bankruptcy?
Understanding the various bankruptcy processes can be very difficult for the uninitiated. With several types of bankruptcy possible, knowing the differences between each one and whether they may apply to your financial situation is certainly challenging. For example,...
Is There a Best Time of Year to File Bankruptcy?
You may be wondering if there is a specific time that is best to file bankruptcy. What most people may not know is that the best time to file bankruptcy actually depends on your specific financial situation. The time of year has no effect on bankruptcy filings because...
4 Reasons That Gambling Can Lead You into Bankruptcy
Gambling is one of the most common and fastest growing causes of bankruptcy, especially in the western world. The addiction of gambling can have far-ranging effects on your family, work,and social life. While the habit of gambling may start as recreational fun, it...
Thinking of Financing a Vehicle? Get the Best Price Possible With These 4 Negotiation Tips.
If you are thinking of financing a vehicle, you’re probably feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension. Yes, you’re going to end up with a new vehicle, but the prospect of applying for financing is rather daunting, especially when going straight to the...
Worried About the Consequences of Bankruptcy? Here Are 4 Things You Should Do After Your Filing.
Regardless of what your reason may be for filing bankruptcy, whether it’s because you lost your job or there was an an illness in your family that caused your financial situation to spiral downward, etc., filing it has offered you a fresh start and if you are worried...
What Does Your Credit Score Really Mean, and What Are the Ranges of Great to Terrible Scores?
Your credit score is a calculated numerical summary that is taken from the information in your credit report, and is calculated via a formula that is taken from all three credit reporting bureaus. The formula used to calculate your credit score takes into account...
Beware of Spending More Money Than You Should on These 6 Things This Summer
Beware of Spending More Money Than You Should on These 6 Things This Summer Want to cut some unnecessary spending from your budget this summer? There are several small things that we purchase on almost a daily basis that can really add up to big money in the long run....
5 Common Habits Of People Who Get Themselves Into Too Much Debt
5 Common Habits Of People Who Get Themselves Into Too Much Debt People that are in debt don’t get themselves into the situation overnight. After all, debt accumulates over time, often before people realize how serious the situation has become, and it can usually be...
The 4 Things to Consider if you are Thinking of Filing For a Second Bankruptcy
The 4 Things to Consider if You Are Thinking of Filing For A Second Bankruptcy Bankruptcy is usually the final option for people dealing with serious financial difficulties. The process can provide much-needed relief from the heavy burden of carrying mountains of...
Avoid These Three Types Of Debt At All Costs
Avoid These Three Types Of Debt At All Costs Not all debt is bad. Some forms of debt are a necessary component of financial progression, allowing us to purchase things like a new home or vehicle. With the right approach, it is possible to use debt to better your life...
5 Reasons To Consult A Bankruptcy Attorney Instead Of Doing It Yourself Or Using Just A Paralegal Or Document Preparation Service.
5 Reasons To Consult A Bankruptcy Attorney Instead Of Doing It Yourself Or Using Just A Paralegal Or Document Preparation Service. Nobody wants to file for bankruptcy. To be in such financial hardship is a difficult process for anybody, but there are ways to make...
3 Ways To Protect Your Finances If Lending Money To Other People Has Gotten Out Of Control
3 Ways To Protect Your Finances If Lending Money To Other People Has Gotten Out Of Control Lending to friends and family is often a bad situation to get involved in. This is because it’s one of the biggest causes of friction and tension, especially when it’s a...
5 Spring Cleaning and Organizational Tips for Your Bills and Budgeting Plan
5 Spring Cleaning and Organizational Tips for Your Bills and Budgeting Plan Spring cleaning involves many cleaning and maintenance tasks that you have to perform in order to tidy up your home after the winter season. It is recommended that you create a spring cleaning...
Do you owe state or federal back taxes? Here are 3 tips to pay them off quicker
Do you owe state or federal back taxes? Here are 3 tips to pay them off quicker Owing federal or state back taxes is a stressful situation for any taxpayer. When back taxes - taxes that haven’t been paid on time - are due, its easy for the situation to spiral out of...
Life After Bankruptcy- Here Are Four Things You Can Do To Minimize Any Negative Impacts To Your Personal Reputation
Life After Bankruptcy- Here Are Four Things You Can Do To Minimize Any Negative Impacts To Your Personal Reputation Life after bankruptcy is never easy, yet it’s the first step on the road to financial recovery. However, both individuals and businesses may feel their...
Follow These 5 Tips If You Are Overwhelmed By Student Loan Debt
Follow These 5 Tips If You Are Overwhelmed By Student Loan Debt It is understandable to feel overwhelmed by student debt - you certainly aren’t the only person. Total student debt in the United States is upwards of $1 trillion, only second behind mortgage debt, so...
Protect Yourself with These 5 Ways to Avoid Identity Theft
Protect Yourself with These 5 Ways to Avoid Identity Theft Identity theft can affect numerous aspects of your life such as causing you to have trouble with buying a house, tax filing, or even getting insurance. Furthermore, it can also cause you to lose your peace of...
Get Ahead Financially in 2018 with These 5 Budgeting Tips
Get Ahead Financially in 2018 with These 5 Budgeting Tips 2018 is just around the corner, so it is a good time to plan your financial resolutions for the upcoming year so that you can get ahead financially and overhaul your life. Following are 5 budgeting tips that...
5 Ways to Avoid Overspending During the Holidays
5 Ways to Avoid Overspending During the Holidays Overspending during the holidays should not come as a surprise. A lot of people tend to do this because they don’t set any boundaries or plan for this specific season. Holidays offer lots of cheer and joy. But, once...
The Top 3 Reasons People Filed for Bankruptcy in 2017
The Top 3 Reasons People Filed for Bankruptcy in 2017 In today's economic climate, it is understandable that many people are forced to file for bankruptcy. An accumulation of unpaid bills and serious debt often contributes to most financial problems, with the costs of...
4 Things You Can Learn from Your Bankruptcy to Avoid Ever Filing for Bankruptcy Again
4 Things You Can Learn from Your Bankruptcy to Avoid Ever Filing for Bankruptcy Again Filing for bankruptcy is always the last option chosen by those suffering from financial hardship, yet it can often be a blessing in disguise. Not only does it make it possible to...
5 Things You Should do if You Are Facing Foreclosure on Your Home
5 Things You Should do if You Are Facing Foreclosure on Your Home Facing foreclosure is something nobody wishes to experience. Whether you believe you will be imminently receiving a foreclosure or the process has already started, there are steps to be taken that can...
How To Know You Are In Too Much Debt
How To Know You Are In Too Much Debt Debt can quite easily be crippling. The decision to get into debt is motivated by many factors and motives. However, the basic reasoning of getting into debt is this; you want money, you don't have money and so you decide to borrow...
Do These 3 Things to Get Ahead Financially After Filing for Bankruptcy
Do These 3 Things to Get Ahead Financially After Filing for Bankruptcy Following are three main strategies you can use to build your credit after bankruptcy and improve your financial condition. Furthermore, these strategies will also help increase your chances of...
4 Steps That Will Help You Get Caught up on Your Mortgage Payments
4 Steps That Will Help You Get Caught up on Your Mortgage Payments Falling behind on mortgage payments can happen to anyone. There are countless reasons as to why this may happen, from losing a job, getting a divorce or serious illness or injury, and this is often out...
3 Important People to Talk to When Considering Filing for Bankruptcy
3 Important People to Talk to When Considering Filing for Bankruptcy Bankruptcy can be a nerve-wracking process, especially when you try to do it all alone. You can make the process easier by seeking professional help during and after the difficulty of declaring...
Interesting Statistics On Personal Bankruptcy In The United States
Interesting Statistics On Personal Bankruptcy In The United States The word bankruptcy is derived from the Italian words “Banca Rotta”, meaning to “bench broke”. As a result, two types of personal bankruptcy exist on the basis of the amount owed to creditors and...
Bankruptcy vs. Debt Consolidation – 5 Things to Consider
Bankruptcy vs. Debt Consolidation - 5 Things to Consider Debt consolidation and bankruptcy are becoming increasingly popular methods to address serious financial hardships. Both options offer their own advantages and disadvantages, with bankruptcy often being viewed...
7 Things About Bankruptcy Your Creditors Don’t Want You to Know About
7 Things About Bankruptcy Your Creditors Don’t Want You to Know About The credit industry aims to restrict debtors from filing for bankruptcy. Creditors can be aggressive and often try to discourage and frighten hard working people in order to collect on debts. You...
Avoid These 6 Mistakes When Filing for Bankruptcy
Avoid These 6 Mistakes When Filing for Bankruptcy Filing for bankruptcy is a complicated process. It has many advantages if you successfully file for it. It offers you a fresh start with your finances, which ultimately allows you to leave the past behind and turn your...
6 Ways to Help You Decide if Bankruptcy is Right for You
6 Ways to Help You Decide if Bankruptcy is Right for You During tough economic times, most of us review our financial situations and find that we don’t have enough money to cover all the expenses we have. Shopping for groceries, paying for rent, and paying the...
5 Tips to Improve Your Household Finances in 2017
5 Tips to Improve Your Household Finances in 2017 Household finance is not just about daily money management; it is much more. It is also less attractive than other high-flying financial managements available, which is because of the fact that most of it is common...
5 Things to Look for When Choosing an Attorney
5 Things to Look for When Choosing an Attorney Bankruptcy can be an exasperating and stressful process for most people. However, With their proper training, experience, and skills, bankruptcy attorneys can help these same people navigate through the minefield of...
6 Reasons Why You Should Hire an Attorney to File Bankruptcy Instead of Doing It Yourself
6 Reasons Why You Should Hire an Attorney to File Bankruptcy Instead of Doing It Yourself Filing for bankruptcy can be a quite intimidating and scary experience. This legal process involves both state and federal laws, as well as various matters ranging from the...
5 Ways to Rebuild Your Credit After Bankruptcy
5 Ways to Rebuild Your Credit After Bankruptcy Although bankruptcy is sometimes the only way out if you are overwhelmed with too much debt, it has several undesirable consequences such as bad credit that stays on your credit report for at least 7 to 10 years. However,...
The 5 Main Reasons People File for Bankruptcy
The 5 Main Reasons People File for Bankruptcy Bankruptcy can be a way out for most families who are overwhelmed with a lot of debt. Not only is filing for bankruptcy a big decision, it also has long-term consequences - therefore you should never take this matter...

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