Christmas is just around the corner and it’s a time when our wallets take quite the hit. Saving cash around the festive period is always difficult, as it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and buy all sorts of presents for friend and family. This is a quick way to overspend and leave you feeling the effects come the new year!
Fear not though, as there are many ways to find great deals and save cash on your Christmas presents, allowing you to celebrate the season of goodwill without stressing about money the entire time!
Here are 5 tips to get great deals and save money on Christmas presents this year:
Plan Out Your Gift List
Just like the kids are writing lists to Santa, it helps to write out as many gift ideas as you can before you head out shopping. This gives you a clear idea of what you need to get and where to best look for it, while reducing the chances of the dreaded impulse buys that cost us so much money during the holidays.
Shop Online
Nothing quite gets us into the festive mood than hitting the stores but you’re likely to find better deals online, especially if you start shopping early. For example, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are two massive sale days in late November and typically have some of the best deals around.
This is why you should have a list of gift ideas too! You can search for what you need and see if there are good deals or sales going on to get the best price possible. Keep checking online in the lead-up to Christmas, as many retailers have limited deals and sales worth taking advantage of.
Consider Secret Santa
Gift exchanges like Secret Santa are a great way to save money during the holidays. Rather than focusing on buying stuff for lots of people, you draw names from a hat and buy a gift for one person, usually with a spending limit.
It can save lots of cash and you put more effort into finding a meaningful gift for someone! While you may not want to do this for immediate family, it’s a good option for work or when buying for extended family.
Cash Back Credit Cards
If you are going to spend a lot this Christmas, you may as well get some money back for it! These credit cards usually provide up to 5% cash back, although you need to make sure you make all repayments on time to avoid interest or late fees, otherwise the cash back doesn’t really pay!
Compare Prices
Technology has made it easier than ever to compare prices of items from different stores. This means you can save lots of cash by finding the lowest prices of competing stores. Apps like ShopSavvy scan barcodes of products and compare the prices at various stores, allowing you to quickly see how good a deal you are getting. You can also use Amazon and other popular e-commerce stores to see what are offering the cheapest rates, even comparing online prices when you’re in a store shopping.
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