Credit cards can be difficult to handle sometimes. Before you know it, the times come when you begin to find it hard to pay off the balances owed. As a result, you start to struggle as more and more money is being added to the card and less and less is being paid off....
Regardless of what your reason may be for filing bankruptcy, whether it’s because you lost your job or there was an an illness in your family that caused your financial situation to spiral downward, etc., filing it has offered you a fresh start and if you are worried...
Your credit score is a calculated numerical summary that is taken from the information in your credit report, and is calculated via a formula that is taken from all three credit reporting bureaus. The formula used to calculate your credit score takes into account...
5 Common Habits Of People Who Get Themselves Into Too Much Debt People that are in debt don’t get themselves into the situation overnight. After all, debt accumulates over time, often before people realize how serious the situation has become, and it can usually be...
The 4 Things to Consider if You Are Thinking of Filing For A Second Bankruptcy Bankruptcy is usually the final option for people dealing with serious financial difficulties. The process can provide much-needed relief from the heavy burden of carrying mountains of...
Avoid These Three Types Of Debt At All Costs Not all debt is bad. Some forms of debt are a necessary component of financial progression, allowing us to purchase things like a new home or vehicle. With the right approach, it is possible to use debt to better your life...