5 Things You Should do if You Are Facing Foreclosure on Your Home Facing foreclosure is something nobody wishes to experience. Whether you believe you will be imminently receiving a foreclosure or the process has already started, there are steps to be taken that can...
4 Steps That Will Help You Get Caught up on Your Mortgage Payments Falling behind on mortgage payments can happen to anyone. There are countless reasons as to why this may happen, from losing a job, getting a divorce or serious illness or injury, and this is often out...
7 Things About Bankruptcy Your Creditors Don’t Want You to Know About The credit industry aims to restrict debtors from filing for bankruptcy. Creditors can be aggressive and often try to discourage and frighten hard working people in order to collect on debts. You...
5 Ways to Rebuild Your Credit After Bankruptcy Although bankruptcy is sometimes the only way out if you are overwhelmed with too much debt, it has several undesirable consequences such as bad credit that stays on your credit report for at least 7 to 10 years. However,...
The 5 Main Reasons People File for Bankruptcy Bankruptcy can be a way out for most families who are overwhelmed with a lot of debt. Not only is filing for bankruptcy a big decision, it also has long-term consequences – therefore you should never take this matter...