Being behind with creditors is a daunting experience. Nobody wants to miss important credit repayments but sometimes life throws you a curveball and you fall behind, making it difficult to get your head above water once things behind to snowball into a bigger issue....
Christmas is just around the corner and it’s a time when our wallets take quite the hit. Saving cash around the festive period is always difficult, as it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and buy all sorts of presents for friend and family. This is a quick way to...
As the summer season wraps up, it is time to look ahead to the fall and plan out different ways to reduce household expenses and save money. Fall is the time of the year during which it is really important to be intentional with your dollars. There are several ways to...
Filing for personal bankruptcy is a horrible prospect for anyone struggling with debt, yet it remains one of the few situations that allows you to properly manage and overcome this debt. Yes, it’s very embarrassing and incredibly stressful to go through bankruptcy but...
Bankruptcy laws are designed to treat both creditors and debtors fairly. This means allowing people the chance to recover from their debt while trying to ensure that creditors have a fair chance of receiving debt repayments. There are situations where creditors look...
Debt affects millions of people across the world. While a common financial situation for many, there are instances where debt accumulates to the point where it is no longer manageable, instead overwhelming the individual with all kinds of problems. Yet not all these...